Following Trends

Roots Multiclean: Vijay Ramesh, VP-Marketing; Varun Karthikeyan, MD; Pravin Kumar, Manager-Export & Import
Understanding of the international market gives a direction. “It enables us to know where the market is heading and where we should go or be in,” says Mohit Vij.
“Further, as manufacturers we come to know what others have omitted and where we can fill the gap presently with what we have. At Interclean, we also get to understand not just the European market trends but also other markets including Middle East, Africa and others. This in turn helps us expand into different markets from one place,” he adds.
In keeping with the trends, Kibble has expanded its range and also introduced new products. “We are also able to bring these variations into the Indian market by educating them on its usage.”
A classic example of one simple product, says Mohit, is the microfibre. “Internationally, there is no room for cotton mops, it is 100% only microfibre. This is the change we need to bring about in the Indian market as well. Previously, there was a buzz that microfibre is very expensive as compared to cotton.
Following my visit to Europe, I find this market has a lot to offer in the microfibre range at a similar cost to cotton and acrylic! Hence, why not do that in India as well, when it is possible to introduce microfibre at almost the same price of cotton?”
Not denying that there would be a price difference, Mohit feels, the longevity of the product will make all the difference. “For example, a cotton mop will have to be dumped within a week, while a microfibre will last for over a month. In short, a little increase in price and a longer lifecycle.”
Creating Identity
“Earlier, we were looked upon as vendors. Following our participation at international expos in Dubai and Amsterdam, we are a brand. Suppliers look at us as an entity or perhaps competitors. Selling in the international market has popularised our brand identity to the extent that at times we do not have to give our business card, as they already know us,” says Mohit.
“Ultimately, it is all about exposure and the knowledge that is gathered at international forums that enable growth,” concludes Anjana Vij.
Expanding Exports
Most of the Indian manufacturers have been exporting to international markets, however, being present on an international platform enables one to give a 360-degree view of the entire product range being offered by the manufacturer. “Definitely, in the first instance, buyers do raise questions, especially knowing that it is an Indian make, but after a closer look of our range, they do change their minds,” says Varun Karthikeyan.
Manufacturing for the international market calls for customization to a certain extent. However, the product is the same that “we supply to the Indian market. For example, machines supplied to the Australian market would require certain customisation and variations as per the requirement of the customer in keeping with the local applications. Again, the features are different for machines supplied to the international market. Engines of these machines are procured from international companies too.”
It is indeed commendable for India to have cleaning product manufacturers supplying to overseas customers. Nonetheless, it would be equally commendable when the same machines and professional solutions are applied to a large extent in achieving the goal of a clean India. As one of the cleaning industry representatives puts it, “If the taxes and the customs on cleaning products are brought down, the entire scenario in India would be different. Professional cleaning solutions would be in every one’s reach and the country would be a cleaner place to live in.”
[box type=”shadow” ]Clean India Journal at Amsterdam
This was the eighth consecutive time Clean India Journal exhibited at the Interclean show and represented the Indian Cleaning Industry abroad. Once again, the stakeholders of the Indian Cleaning Industry gathered at the Clean India Journal booth at Amsterdam to network and raise a toast to ‘Clean India’.