Pune-based Mailhem Ikos Environment Pvt. Ltd. has taken up the total solid waste management for Nashik city. Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC) has awarded a 30-year contract to. Mailhem Ikos which will be responsible for repair, upgradation and operation of the existing Compost and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) plant, capping of existing dump site and setting up new scientific landfill. The contract was awarded through a global tendering process supported by German Consultancy organization GIZ. It is based upon tipping fee per tonne of waste and will be paid by the NMC.
Once the Composting and RDF operations are streamlined, Mailhem Ikos plans to set up Plastic to Fuel plant and run the Carcass Incineration plant with the fuel produced from it. Leachate treatment which is an important aspect is also being taken care by revamping and upgradation of existing biogas plant at the site.