Hygiene turned into a watchword when people returned to their workstations in offices and to the shop floor at manufacturing sites in 2022. Manpower supply limitations were felt in labour-intensive …
Harvey CleanPro Industries is a leading manufacturer of cleaning chemicals used in commercial cleaning, sanitation, housekeeping, hygiene and food & beverage plant operations. Nidhi Malhotra, Director, Business Operations puts the …
Industrial Laundry is as old as any other business. The famous Dhobi Ghat of Mumbai or vannarpettai (Washermanpet) in Chennai are part of city landscape and culture and have often …
Kanak Pattali of Biowash Laboratories (P) Ltd showcases the innovation introduced for the laundry segment. Give us an overview of your products. Biowash liquid detergent pods are water soluble PVA …
At a time when unprecedented surge in construction and demolition waste is threatening ecological balance, besides causing a nightmare for civic bodies which are struggling to find solutions to handle …
As mergers and acquisitions consolidate the positions of FM industry giants, how are the smaller players faring? Here is how. Client segments One client segment whose demand for services from …
The institutional buyer of cleaning chemicals comes with a list of specific requirements, and is faced with a surfeit of choices. How should one assess the available options? What are …
For too long now, retail laundries have been dubbed only as more professional alternatives to mom-and-pop stores for laundry and dry cleaning. But these businesses – with scores of franchisees …
The laundry industry is poised to witness exponential growth with many brands establishing themselves in the next 5-10 years. Sukanth Srivastav, Founder, Turns; Arunabh Sinha, Founder and CEO, UClean India …
The Clean India Technology Week 2022, a three-day reunion of the cleaning, waste and laundry professionals, reinstated the confidence of doing business offline, and experienced intensive & informed buying, besides …