Sanitizing Solution
Use unscented chlorine bleach.
- To sanitize cutting boards, surfaces etc., mix one tablespoon (
15ml) in four litres (3.5quarts) of water.
- To sanitize dishes, dishcloths, etc., mix one teaspoon (5ml) in four litres (3.5 quarts) of water.
Food Storage
- If repackaging foods, date and label them before putting them away.
- Always rotate stock (first in, first out).
- Label bulk food products with the date and product name.
- Avoid using products that are beyond the best before date.
- Store raw meats or poultry on a plate, or in a container, below the other items in your refrigerator so that blood cannot drip onto anything else.
- Store food separately from cleaning products and poisons so they cannot be accidentally mistaken. Avoid repackaging cleaning products and poisons to ensure they are identifiable.
- Always refrigerate foods such as meat, dairy products, shelled eggs, etc. If left unrefrigerated, these foods allow bacteria to grow rapidly.
Food Preparation
- Perform hand hygiene often and always before handling food, after handling raw foods or soiled utensils, equipment or garbage.
- Avoid cross-contamination by remembering to wash and sanitize (one tablespoon/15ml unscented chlorine bleach in four litres/3.5 quarts water) cutting boards, counter tops and utensils after each use, especially after meat and poultry.
- Ensure cutting boards have been sanitized (one tablespoon/15 ml unscented chlorine bleach in four litres/3.5 quarts water) if previously used by someone else.
- Use utensils or wash hands well when handling ready-to-eat foods.
- Do not use the same plate or utensils for raw meat and cooked meats.
- Wipe up spills immediately. Bacteria grow very quickly and spread.
- Defrost frozen foods in the refrigerator, microwave or under cold running water. Plan ahead so that you will not to have to thaw meat or poultry on the counter.
- Do not thaw and then refreeze meats. Defrost as described above, cook, and then refreeze.
Cooking and food service
- Keep hot foods hot (60°C/140°F or higher) and cold foods cold (4°C /40°F or lower).
- Use a meat thermometer to ensure meat is properly cooked.
- Cook or reheat all foods to a minimum of 74°C/165°F.
- Cook poultry to an internal temperature of 85°C/180°F.
- Ensure all ground meat and poultry are thoroughly cooked. Juices should run clear when the meat is cut.
- Prepare and cook foods as close to the meal time as possible.
- Avoid using raw eggs in ready-to-eat products such as Caesar salad and eggnog.
- Perform hand hygiene before handling leftovers. Ensure all utensils and surfaces are clean.
- Wrap leftovers and refrigerate immediately. Do not leave leftovers on the counter to cool.
- Divide large quantities of leftovers into small containers so they cool more quickly.
- Date leftovers before placing them in the refrigerator and then use or freeze them soon.
Remember: if in doubt, throw it out!
Facility maintenance and construction
- Floors, walls and ceilings should be non-absorbent, smooth and easily cleanable.
- Kitchen facilities should be washed daily to remove all visible dirt and debris.
- Walls, grease vents and equipment should be kept clean and regularly washed.
- Be alert for mice or insect infestations and take immediate action if evidence exists.
Equipment and utensils
- Utensils should be washed, rinsed and sanitized (one teaspoon/5 ml unscented chlorine bleach in four litres/3.5 quarts water) after each use.
- Counter tops and cutting boards should be washed and sanitized (one tablespoon/15ml unscented chlorine bleach in four litres/3.5 quarts water) after each use.
- Refrigerators should be an adequate size for the volume of food stored inside and should be monitored with a thermometer.
- Throw out worn or chipped cups, plates and utensils.
- Do not reuse single-service utensils such as plastic spoons and forks.
- Store wash cloths and table sponges during the day in a pail with sanitizing solution (one teaspoon/5 ml unscented chlorine bleach in four litres/3.5 quarts water).
- Garbage containers should be durable, easily cleanable and rodent-proof. They should be covered at all times when not in use.
- Food handlers should not smoke while preparing or serving food.
- Use a clean utensil each time for food tasting (no double dipping).
- Do not prepare food if you have sores or cuts on your hands, have a respiratory illness or gastrointestinal illness (nausea, vomiting or diarrhea).
- Wear clean clothes and preferably wear a hair restraint (ex: a hair net).
- Avoid touching your mouth or nose or wiping your hands on dish towels or aprons.
- Perform hand hygiene:
– before and after eating;
– before and after cleaning a wound;
– before and after smoking;
– after handling raw food;
– after using the toilet or wiping nose;
– after contact with blood or body fluids/wastes;
– after handling soiled items or equipment (ex: after cleaning rooms or handling soiled linen); and
– after removing gloves.
Compiled from various sources