The primary purpose of kitchen hygiene is to eliminate or reduce the risk of (human) exposure to foodborne illness. This can be achieved when kitchen users have acquired some thorough …
What features do institutional customers want in cleaning chemicals? According to Vanchinathan Sivaswamy, Head Sales – SAARC, Buzil Rossari Pvt Ltd, the common response would be stable-supply, high- quality, safe, …
Running a food service joint gets all the more challenging when the water supply is contaminated. It not only impacts the overall hygiene levels but also affects the food quality …
This is the story of how a leading fruit product company pays unwavering attention to cleaning operations and standards at its processing plant, to protect both its product and its …
Nanobubbles and Ozone cleans and disinfects surfaces Chlorine or hot water and/or caustic Soda have been the traditional go-to chemicals for cleaning and sanitation in food processing industries. The primary …
In an industry as competitive as the laundry sector, it is highly unusual for owners to share their trade secrets. The members of the Telangana Launderers’ and Dry-Cleaners’ Association (TLDA) …
The facility services segment is dynamic in nature with different levels of service providers sharing the same space. Despite odds, the projection for India shows exponential growth in the coming …
A lot of technologies are taken up for laboratory tests to ascertain their success rates. Clean India Journal met Thomas Leucht of Weber & Leucht GmbH, a German based testing …