A modernized “co-combustion” technology generating power from urban garbage having almost zero dioxin and furan levels has been launched in Bangalore. The Bangalore Mahanagar Palike (BBMP) and multinational waste to energy company Satarem India signed a PPP for this project in which a Dual Purpose Reactor technology will be used. The bottom ash, yielded while processing garbage for power, would be commercially used in making paver blocks, cement bricks and other construction materials. The total cost of the project is estimated at around र300 crores.
According to Jerome Friler, Chairman of Satarem AG, the emission of co-combustion technology used in the waste-to-energy project globally is extremely low and is eco-friendly. The company earlier installed 60 such plants in China, Thailand and Turkey. Income from this project can be generated from power, tipping fees, recyclable materials and compost sales. The whole process would be completed in three phases with phase I involving receipt, segregation and compost of waste and phase II envisaging generation of power of 14.5MW (of installed power generation capacity) and phase III additional power of 14.5MW.