Orbin™ Solo
Orbin™ SOLO Specifications
Total Waste holding capacity 80 kg
Area required / Solo: 4 sqft
Gross Weight / Solo: ~ 18 kg
Waste handling / Solo: 2 kg / day
Height: 3 feet
Illustration for 25 kg / day waste treatment
No. of Solo required: 10
Total area required including for operations: 40 sq ft
Orbin™ Composting Accelerator required /day: 1.5 kg
Overall labour required: 1
Manure recovered / month 30% – 40% of mass added
Stax Orbin™
STAX Specifications
Total Waste holding capacity: 1,000 kg
Area required / Stax: 20 sqft
Gross Weight / Stax: ~ 200 kg
Waste handling / Stax: 40-50 kg/day
Height: 6.5 feet
Illustration for 100 kg / day waste treatment
No. of Stax required: 2
Total area required including for operations: 60 sq ft
Orbin™ Composting Accelerator required /day: 5 kg
Overall labor required: Min 1, Max 2
Manure recovered / month 30% – 40% of mass added
• Suitable for individual households, small apartments, cafeterias & offices
• Made of FRP which makes it corrosion proof
• No churning or turning required
• No electricity required
• Design allows complete aeration
• Easy to remove manure & maintenance free
• Liquid nutrient gets collected in bottom container