IP Cleaning India’s CT5 is a mini scrubber dryer with great performance. The cleaning power of the disc brush and perfect drying in both forward & reverse directions make the …
Industrial cleaning professionals must have a vast selection of equipment available in order to meet the various needs of their clients. Charnock Equipments Pvt Ltd offers a variety of machines …
Soft-mount washer-extractors – Speed Queen’s Heavy Duty Series SY180 & SY280 from K&B Associates: The powerful operation of a washer-extractor often requires that the machine be bolted to the floor. …
An advanced, super-concentrated and water-soluble laundry detergent, BioWash Laboratories (P) Ltd’s PVA Film Pods are formulated by an American giant company which holds a prominent position as a world leader …
MAGNARAB Equipment Trading LLC’s solutions: TOLON, part of the JENSEN Group, offers an excellent range of heavy-duty laundry equipment. These are made in Turkey by TOLON, a company with a …
How does one of the world’s largest suppliers of cleaning equipment and chemicals maintain its position as a preferred brand? Mahesh Naik, Customer Service Lead, Diversey India offers a look …
Long-term contracts, contract extensions and easy contract renewals are every service provider’s dream. Instead of relying on the whims of a client, there are many proactive steps that a service …
Building and facility managers are being asked to develop and implement programmed cleaning services within a green framework. While, this may look simple, it could be reasonably complex as it …
[box type=”shadow” ] Buying the right cleaning product is equally challenging when it comes to the hospitality industry. Jwala Srinivas, Associate Director-Purchase, The Park, Hyderabad, discusses the intricate but uncomplicated …