Component manufacturing line / semi-assembly line
Nowadays even white epoxy floors are laid in production areas. In the automobile Industry, though majority of components get assembled outside, important components are assembled in-house. The manufacturing line requires heavy duty wet and dry vacuum cleaners for the removal of steel or Iron ore dust generated from grinding, drilling and milling.
Areas of the cleaning in the Automotive Industry are
1) Outer Area
a) Internal Roads and Surroundings
b) Dispatch Area
2) Shop Floor or component line
a) Base Frame manufacturing.
Weld Shop
b) Component manufacturing line
or semi-assembly line
3) Production line or internal Area
a) Paint Shop
b) Engine Line
c) Assembly Line
d) Finishing Line
4) Administrative Block or Office Area
5) Canteen
6) Maintenance department
For cleaning the Shop floor of this area, scrubber dryers are used with oil resistant squeeze. The size of the machine again depends upon the dimension and size of the area. If grinding application is on, then there must be proper suction system for the iron chips with coolant for air-conditioning.
Paint Shop
In the spray booths, spraying is done in centralized air flow area. The air is vacuumed through the girds. The grids are cleaned with high pressure washer (cold or hot and cold). As the air passes through the grids, the paint gets accumulated on them necessitating for further cleaning. To tackle this, most of the automobile companies burn the grid at 3000C or above. This is very critical work which companies do manually. If they use high pressure cleaner with 250 bars or above, they can easily get rid of the manual burning. Also, this is very fast and effective in maintaining the air flow and lowering rejections. The Dolly (hanger on which car main body rests) cleaning is tough job. Presently, it is mainly done by manual chipping process. Here very high pressure washers can be used.
Engine Line
The engine blocks are cleaned with vacuum cleaners. The machineries are also cleaned periodically with the heavy duty vacuum cleaners. Depending on the size of the area and dimensions, floor cleaning machines are deployed.
Assembly Line
Floor cleaning machines are decided on the basis of the size and dimension of the area. The machineries are cleaned with high power vacuum cleaners. Water showers a coming through underground water tank are used for leakage testing. High pressure washers are used for cleaning big water filters.
Here the general cleaning is done with vacuum cleaners and the machineries are cleaned with high power vacuum cleaners.
Administrative Block or Office Area cleaning
Mostly outsourced, this includes general cleaning of floor, carpet if any and washrooms.
Here again, the floors are cleaned with high pressure washers. Kitchen equipment need to be cleaned too.
Maintenance Department
In this generally hot and cold high pressure washers are used to clean and maintain the dyes.