It does not matter where the cleaning is done and who is cleaning. What matters is whether the process of cleaning is healthy, safe, environment friendly and effective. With the push towards more eco-friendly cleaners, the chemicals used for many years now seem harmful and toxic. Thanks to better awareness about green chemicals, many manufacturers are trying to replace the harmful ingredients with much more safer ones both for the users as well as the occupants. In India too, green cleaning chemicals are getting preference especially in the hospitality and corporate sectors and also many of the FM companies are sticking to green chemicals. We bring in this issue a dialogue between a few facility management professionals who look at how the use of environment friendly products for cleaning has to become a norm.
Coming on the cover quite aptly is Sam Cherian, Managing Director of Mysore based Schevaran Laboratories, who has thought about this “green concept’ over three decades ago and managed to stick to it in spite of a number of road blocks. He succeeded in bringing foreign technology to India way back and stood his ground to reach out to a vast customer base today. An inspiring story to read.
With more and more international companies showing interest in the Indian Cleaning market, the continuous presence of Clean India Journal representing the Indian Cleaning Industry at Interclean, Amsterdam helps facilitate exchange of information on market potential and business opportunities. The magazine is indeed breaking barriers; the 15 country International Housekeeping Summit in Sri Lanka in July and the large readership from Asia and Far East tell it all. Also to be noted is the wide participation of international companies in the forthcoming Cleaning Expo in Bangalore in February 2019.
Mangala Chandran