With E- commerce and e- retail, they said the malls were going to lose their sheen. It was not so. Malls still remain the best place to hang out, eat out, get entertained and do shopping. With this, comes the added responsibility for the mall owners to reinvent the way malls are made welcoming to customers both in terms of cleanliness and elements that increase customer retention. Malls are the experience centres with cross promotional partnerships like food court, entertainment zone and art plazas. Clean India Journal has brought in discussions on “Mall management” time and again; however, with new technology and evolving customer demands, FM has to keep pace.
Another area this issue analyses is how demand for outsourced laundry has grown encouraging entrepreneurs to get into setting up laundries and how there were initial challenges to create industry-specific market for linen cleaning. Right kind of machinery, trained manpower, understanding the use of chemicals, energy and water efficiency are some of the areas that had to be factored in. The expanded format of the Laundrex India show is indicative of the growing professional laundry market in India and the need to go for newer technology
On sanitation, you can read an interesting article on public toilets specially for working women created at Railway stations. The first one being opened in Thane, the model unit offers affordable, clean & hygienic washrooms, a boon to women commuters.
As the results of on-going Swachhata Sarvekshan are being announced by the Government, one can see how waste collection & conversion management by the civic authorities is gaining attention and importance. The Waste Technology India Expo and the seminar in Mumbai in February will provide an opportunity to know more about this. There will be case studies and presentations from Municipal Corporations. And of course, the unmissable Clean India Show.
Mangala Chandran