While contract cleaning for commercial clients is any service provider’s core business, it also pays high dividends to service institutions like old age homes and orphanages. The Faber Sindoori Management Services Pvt Ltd team operating at Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore, as part of the management’s CSR activity, is offering free housekeeping services to various institutions every month. Appreciating Faber Sindoori’s initiative, K Lalitha, Coordinator at the Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled, Bangalore, said, “The unique service rendered with a smile by the housekeeping staff is worth mentioning. This kind of cleaning is very essential for centres like ours, wherein the residing and floating population is very high. Food is cooked for more than 400 people each day at the premises.” The ashram has two centres in JP Nagar and HSR Layout and about than eight-ten Faber Sindoori staff members are engaged in this service.