Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani announced State ‘Urban Sanitation and Cleanliness Policy’ for better management of solid and liquid waste in cities. Rupani said that the policy seeks to streamline collection and disposal of all kinds of waste in cities and towns. He said that a system to convert solid waste into fuel to generate “green energy” will be set up and also that the state government has shown its commitment for re-cycling and re-use of drainage water.
Gujarat New Urban Sanitation and Cleanliness Policy 2018
- will provide proper toilet facilities in order to avoid dirt due to toilet in open. In case the individual toilets are not made, then public toilet facility will be developed
- All waste and waste water produced in Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) will undergo treatment process to make it available for re-use. This would be done as per the standards of Central Public Health and Environment Engineering Organization (CPHEEO) or according to standards of Environment and Forest Ministry
- will make “Zero Waste” cities with the help of 100% classification and storage system at commercial and residential waste sites. The main focus will be on the recycling and reuse of waste materials
- Manual Scavenging process will be abolished by eliminating manoeuvres, sewage lines and manholes
- In all Urban Local Body (ULB), natural sewers and rainwater sewage will be revived. Govt. will also lay special emphasis to ensure that waste water will not be disposed in Rainwater drain
- All ULB’s will adopt public health sub-legislation and will make it a system for all cities.
- ULB’s will also be equipped with hygiene, environment and health
- All water resources within the limit of ULBs will be released from solid and liquid waste
- All ULBs will authorize land for development plan and local area plan for creation of infrastructure for sanitation
- Both central and state govt. will provide funds to improve urban cleanliness under New Urban Sanitation and Cleanliness Policy 2018. All the funds are going to be collected as the state sanitation fund
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