Cuts through multiple contaminants

CIJ 4/18-1306
Megamorph Marketing Pvt Ltd’s Heavy Duty Kitchen Surface Degreaser is a highly alkaline solution for cleaning tough-to-clean surfaces such as kitchen floors, areas under deep friers, ovens and other areas that accumulate oil and grease. The formulation is designed to cut through dirt, grime, soap scum and animal proteins, fats, oils, blood and grease on hard surfaces. Areas where the solution is used should be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried before use.
For floors: Dose chemical into bucket as per dilution and mop area thoroughly. Rinse with hot water.
For equipment: Fill sink with hot water. Scrub and clean loose dirt from the surface and dip into the sink. Dose chemical into the sink and allow to soak for 5-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with hot water. Always remove or cover all food before use.