Vanchinathan Sivaswamy, Head Sales – SAARC, Buzil Rossari Pvt. Ltd
Oil, grease, food particles, dirt, grime and germs; Vanchinathan Sivaswamy, Head Sales-SAARC, Buzil Rossari Pvt. Ltd has the chemicals to wipe these away from all kinds of rail facilities, and sustainably, to boot.
Coach Cleaning
All the products in this range are enzyme- and plant-extract-based and 100% biodegradable. Many products are difficult to use on painted surfaces, and thus cannot be used inside railway coaches; however, such products will not interact with or damage paint.
Stain/Mark Removal
Oxidation marks abound in railway restrooms; products which can remove these in quick order are available. Window panels are exposed to dirt and grime, which cake on and stain surfaces; products that can instantly remove them are no longer a tall order.
Pantry Cleaning
Every day, millions of passengers who are midway through daylong or days-long journeys purchase ready-to-eat meals prepared at base kitchens, or in pantry cars. Ensuring that these areas remain spick and span as well as bacteria-free correlates directly with the health of passengers.
Allowing the requisite contact time after spraying will provide the necessary disinfection. Enzyme-based products can break down grease and fats that tend to accumulate in food preparation areas, as effectively, if not more than conventional chemicals.
Depot Cleaning
Grease and oils also plague rail depots, where maintenance work is carried out around the clock. These also tend to spill on the floor, creating an occupational hazard. Degreasing chemicals are best when they work quickly, since it is not practical to spend extended amounts of time clearing up spills in the rough and tumble of a railway depot.
Laundry Solutions
“Linen is one of the areas which determines customer experience, since passengers come in direct contact with it. This is why we have solutions for both washer extractors and tunnel washers.”
The energy required to maintain the prescribed temperature within the laundry system, and to run the various mechanical components, is tremendous. When one considers the amount of passenger linen that needs to be washed daily, the energy demand is unimaginable. This is why Buzil Rossari is coming out with a plant-based detergent that is effective at low temperatures, and will also improve the life of the linen.
Picture a passenger on the Chennai-Delhi Rajdhani. During the 28 hour journey, the linen is exposed to all kinds of pathogens. Now, imagine a product which encapsulates the surface of linen with a protective layer that defends against pathogens for at least three days. This is now a reality.
Apart from blankets, all passenger linen is white. The brightness of linen influences public perception of its quality and cleanliness. Products which assure sustained brightness even after multiple washes already exist, as do those which reduce the number of rewashes needed. So do those which are effective at a lower rpm.
To summarise, this range of laundry chemicals offers savings in terms of time, manpower, water and energy.
By using dosing equipment designed exclusively for tunnel washers, officials can better monitor and control chemical consumption. IoT-based dosing equipment can check the number of washes, what chemical has been loaded, how much time was taken, how much of chemical has been used… which can be centrally monitored.