Smart Bins in Smart Cities
• The “smart bin” communicates information on fill levels and ensures collection only when the bin is full.
• Fewer collection visits reduce congestion and traffic interruption, resulting also in cleaner and safer streets.
• Traffic reduction due to fewer collection visits helps reduce carbon dioxide and other emissions.
• The “smart bins” are standardized so that they can be emptied with existing equipment.
From a citizen’s perspective, the social benefits of “smart bins” – besides their economic and environmental advantages – are interesting. They help to:
• raise public awareness of utilizing renewable energy
• improve street sanitation
• encourage recycling
• collect and analyze area-specific data on waste volumes for better planning
• increase WiFi coverage with their function as a free public WiFi hotspot
IoT-enabled Solid Waste Management solution to address the collection and transportation of Solid Waste. It involves retrofitting existing garbage bins by adding connected sensors to make them “smart bins”. These sensors detect the level and weight of the garbage and transmit this information to a server deployed in the city’s Data Center through existing cellular infrastructure. These ruggedized sensors ensure that they can withstand extreme weather conditions and have a long battery life of at least two to three years.
Tracking of the truck through geo-fencing and periodic alerts for various incidents helps the Municipal body to monitor the performance of the workers and contractors to assigned to this task. Daily, weekly and monthly reports about different aspects of the collection process help the Sanitation department head to assess and make improvements.
While equipping the bins of private households with latest sensor technology is tested only by a few cities (like Santander in Spain or Montreal in Canada), several cities start in public spaces with implementing smart waste management solutions.
The installation of smart solar-powered compacting bins can be observed in a growing number of cities (Amsterdam, Atlanta, London, Melbourne, Philadelphia, and others).
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Pune Municipal Corporation is using the technologies like GPS Tracking System, Ultra High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification, IOT Sensors along with mobile and web application to improve and smoothen ground level mechanisms for waste collection and efficient processing and re-cycling of waste.
Automated waste collection system provides long term solution and can take care the conventional methods like door-to-door, crub-side, community bins collections and transportation via sloping channel system.
Multipurpose Smart Street Bin describes the scope of work of “Smart Bins” in managing the waste collection system for an entire city. The network of sensors enabled smart bins connected through the cellular network generates a large amount of data, which is further analyzed and visualized at real time to gain insights about the status of waste around the city. The scope for the future work of this system can be implemented on various places like Bus stop, Railway stations etc. As shown in below figure it will display the Backside street information sticker, there will be a facilities like Wi-Fi Hotspot, CCTV, LED Signboard and the BioEnable Smartbin sensor inside the dustbin. Below are the listed features applicable for the Multipurpose Smart Street Bin:
• Smart Bins with sensors
• LED Display System for public information
• Street Information Boards
• Wi-Fi Hotspot
• CCTV Camera