For fresh and uncut/cut fruits and vegetables
Schevaran Laboratories’s Veg Wash Prime is a proprietary formulation developed in-house at the Schevaran Innovation Centre as a concentrated disinfectant pre-wash for fresh and uncut fruit and vegetables as well as cut fruit and vegetables. It can also be used for disinfecting food contact surfaces like kitchen tables, cutting tools and kitchen platforms.
- Reduces surface pesticides kills germs
- Removes dirt and dust
- Increases the shelf life of fruit and vegetables.
- All the ingredients are ‘food-grade’ and consist of organic acids, salts, food grade preservatives and demineralized water.
- For whole fruit/vegetables: 50ml/litre, 10 minutes contact time.
- For cut fruit/vegetables: 20 ml/litre, contact time 2-3 minutes.
- For cleaning kitchen surfaces, 20 ml/litre.