Aster DM Healthcare, an integrated healthcare services provider in Asia, announced the conclusion of its ‘My India Healthy India’ campaign that included activities starting from cleanliness drive to promoting the social inclusion of differently-abled people. Rs. 300,000 were donated to ALCAA Charitable Trust, for the development of a new floor within the school building, by Aster Ramesh Hospital in Vijayawada. In its second year, the community outreach campaign, which was organised at Aster’s eight hospitals that span across Kerala, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telengana, saw participation of students representing several local government schools as a part of the ‘Swach School project’. Coinciding with India’s 72nd Independence Day celebrations, the programme was driven by 250 volunteers and impacted 10,000 people, and also featured projects like Saluting Hygiene Heroes and #AsterEqualityProject.
Flagging off the campaign at Aster Medcity Kochi, Dr. Azad Moopen, Founder, Chairman and Managing Director, Aster DM Healthcare, said: “Our campaign ‘My India Healthy India’ was launched on the belief that a clean and healthy India will pave the way for a prosperous and productive nation. Around 65% of India’s population is below the age of 35 and there is a strong case for promoting this campaign through the young generation. Encouraged by the impact it created already, the programme is integrated into ‘Aster Volunteers’ global initiatives. This, we hope, will help to make sustainable impact in the society, especially through its activation among students”.