Considering that only two MFPs have been operational for more than two-three years (Patanjali and Food and Herbal Park Pvt Ltd and Srini Food Park Pvt Ltd) while the India Food Park Pvt Ltd and International Mega Food Park Ltd have been operational for less than six months, the level of processing was low. However, survey respondents pointed out that MFPs were contributing towards reduction in agricultural wastage. The survey shows that Srini Food Park Private Limited has been successful in reducing the wastage levels through channel 1. The wastage of agriculture produce has gone from 40% (earlier levels) to 10% (current levels) for fruits such as mango, guava and papaya. Patanjali Food and Herbal Park Private Limited has contributed through reduction of wastage through Channel 2.
“The agro waste generated is used to generate biogas which is utilized as electric power. There is a further reduction in wastage by the means of innovating new products for consumption. For instance, in Patanjali Food and Herbal Park Limited, after processing the Amla (Myrobalan), the solid part is used for making innovative products like candies/ burfis/laddus as per the tastes of Indian customers. This helps in using waste bi-products of the fruits and vegetable by adding value to them.”
[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” ] Srini Food Park
Srini Food Park, Chittoor is located at Mogilli Village in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. This state-of-the-art facility provides w facilities for pulping, IQF, bottling, tetra packing, modular cold storage warehousing and advanced testing lab. The premises offer comprehensive basic and supply chain infrastructure, and cluster farming backed by field collection centres, self-help groups and individual farmers. A unique seed to shelf integrated approach is adopted to add value right from the grass roots level, through central and primary processing centres. Individual plots (1.5 to four acres) and combined plots for lease with pre built factory space are available for the investors. In addition, common ETP, 11 KV electric supply for the dual feeder substation are also provided apart from canteen, conference and work stations among other amenities.
“Currently, we have constituted a Forward Link Team to forge linkage with Wholesale traders, Supermarkets, Processors, Exporters, Spot deliveries and Exchanges. This team is also setting up a network with major leading retailers for sale as per existing and future requirements. Institutions such as Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development (APEDA) and National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) are being linked for direct exports,” adds C B Pillay, GM, Srini Food Park.
The Chittoor Fruit Processing cluster is the largest of its kind in India and has been developed over the last 35 years. Chittoor is declared as an AEZ under the Government of India’s Agri Export Zone scheme. To supplement the processing activity at the CPC, the Mega Food Park has envisaged a comprehensive backward linkage by tying up with farmers and traders to procure quality raw material from the farms. The activities in this direction include:
Operations and Maintenance
At present, entire O&M activities are being taken care of by Food Park management through requisite technical and financial aid to the O&M Head. SPVs will be responsible for common technical infrastructure and facilities, deciding and collecting monthly variable service charges from different units in Food Park and outsourcing specialized technical assistance to professional agencies under AMCs.
The Park authorities have allotted annual budget for cleaning & maintenance, which will be revised as per the need. Currently, about 20 janitors /supervisors are offering services in the premise. No machines have been procured so far as all cleaning activities are being performed manually using 10-12% Sodium hypochlorite and food grade soap oil. No sanitation chemical is allowed for use without quality assessment and MSDS check. To stop contamination,various techniques and procedures such as hand dip, foot dip, personal hygiene checks, floor & work table sanitation are conducted to ensure safety of the produce. “We have also received ISO 22000 and BRC certification for the Food Park,” says Pillay.