The preaching has to continue and not just for newer premises. It is all the more important that existing old buildings look at green practices as a sustainable solutions. “Take the Fort area in Mumbai. There are so many older buildings. While the existing buildings cannot be turned green, the use of eco-products in older structures can help preserve the structure and also improve the cleanliness quality and provide a healthier ambience for the inhabitants. But here again, the client should take the onus of introducing such products and also take into consideration the cost of going eco-friendly,” says Amit.
One has to set examples too for others to follow. “As a policy we use environment conscious products and refrain from using common cleaning products. We are servicing the IT, real estate and telecom sectors,” he adds.
“Many a time we use a chemical to clean glass when actually don’t need a chemical. Same cleaning can be achieved at the same speed by simply spraying water and wiping the table with a microfibre cloth.” – Debtosh Chatterjee
Apart from introducing eco-products, simple eco-measures could be adopted in the first instance to drive the point to the client. The ultimate goal in introducing green products is perhaps to go eco-friendly. “Firstly, we have to identify the objective of adopting green products,” asserts Debtosh Chatterjee, Director, Chatterjee Cleaning Arts Services (P) Ltd.
“If we are talking about Green Seal products, it is a concept that has been developed abroad and consists of patented products which are expensive. Resultantly, one ends up paying more for the products than meeting the objective. Looking at it in a different perspective, to meet the prime objective of saving the environment, firstly one should not use chemicals that are not biodegradable or harmful to the environment; Secondly, one should ensure all disposable materials are disposed off in the right way.
“Every chemical we use is going to pollute the environment. If we cut down the use of chemicals, one can get closer to the objective. Let’s look at how to achieve this. The three common chemicals used by housekeepers are glass cleaner, floor cleaner and WC cleaner. A glass cleaner, which is a concoction of many chemicals, can be done away with totally. Many a time we use a chemical to clean glass when we actually don’t need one. It is common practice in a restaurant to spray a glass cleaner to wipe the table after every use. This only helps in cleaning fast enough for the next occupant to take the table.
“One has to realise that this same cleaning can be achieved at the same speed by simply spraying water and wiping the table with a microfibre cloth! The properties of microfibre meet the objective of Green Seal products. In short, you are doing green cleaning! It works out to be less expensive and saves on the cleaning bill. A simple calculation
“Further, microfibre has other properties: It kills 99% germs in normal use. It does not require chemicals and even when it is used with chemicals, it does not lose its vitality. But a cotton duster will get dirty in one use. In short, in the existing scenario one can look at avenues to adopt eco-friendly practices by cutting on the use of chemical, be it green or otherwise,”says Debtosh.
“Yes, in most cases, eco-friendly practices are most welcome,” agrees Prashant. “A microfibre cloth is long lasting, less contaminating, less water consuming, is degradable and thus less harmful to the environment. Moreover, it is cost effective.”
“But the results of advocating general eco-friendly practices are limited,” says Amit. “For example, we implemented the 5S in a hospital in Rajkot which was very well received and they adopted the practices as they saw the benefits of it. But, putting up a note in the washroom of a corporate office may not be well received. If I were to put a note “Use less tissues, Save Nature”, the result could be exactly the reverse. There have been instances of increased consumption after the note being put up in the washroom. Nowadays, everyone puts up awareness notes in places wherever possible but in many cases it’s just for the sake of putting.”