Infosys Foundation completed the construction work of 161 toilets in State of Odisha. The initiative was undertaken by the CSR division of Infosys Bhubaneswar, to support ‘Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan’ kicked off by Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The foundation has handed over the newly constructed toilets to 46 schools authorities in Khurda district during a ceremony.
Under its sanitation drive, the Foundation has inked a MoU in May 2015 with Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA) to construct toilets in 109 government schools in Odisha. The Foundation expects to complete the project by April 2016, as per the MoU.
Infosys Foundation extended its support to Odisha Government in ranging from healthcare, education and disaster relief in the past.