Airports are among the most vulnerable places when it comes to Dengue, Swine flu, Bird flu like diseases. Hence, it is essential to observe the highest of cleanliness and hygiene standard at these places. As a part of Swachch Bharat Abhiyan, Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport authority recently initiated a cleanliness week-‘Swatch Bharat – Sunder Bharat’.
Starting from October 20, CSIA along with Sealed Air, Revachem Industries,Kimberley Clark international, World Vision Organisation and BMCorganised a series of programmes focussing good hygiene practices like keeping our surroundings clean, avoiding littering in public places, refraining from spitting on the road etc.
Elaborating on the same, Prateek Jain, AGM-FM, Mumbai International Airport Pvt Ltd said, “Air India, and other airlines too, are supporting the campaign. The motto is to teach and train the class four employees about cleanliness and hygiene. They are aware of the cleanliness but not about the essentiality of hygiene.”
[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” ]Highlights
October 20: The entire team visited airline offices & briefed the office staff about the importance of cleanliness and work place hygiene at T1 & T2. Afternoon it visited BBA, BMA & other back of the house & meet the loaders, support staff and briefed about importance of cleanliness & did the cleaning wherever required at T1 & T2.
October 21: Teams from Revachem industries and Taski chemicals participated in the programme. They briefed everyone about the importance of cleaning, personal hygiene. Kimberley Clark International too sponsored a programme where doctors from Apollo Hospital did educate the class four employees about the healthcare aspects.
October 22: Anawareness workshop on health/major disease/HIV/AIDS was organised. Revachem took a small initiative where Tattoo artists painted various environmental related items on kids’ arms at T1 & T2.
October 23: Pamphlets to passengers with regards to health & hygiene awareness in T1 & T2 and Pest Control in all areas
October 24:The entire team visited Roadside vendors near T2 and briefed them about the importance of cleaning andkeeping the place litter free. Pamphlets on health and hygienewere distributed to passengers.
October 27: Cleaning of Shantinagar slum pathways near Airport with the support of BMC team. Spring cleaning of Police & CISF stations around & near to T1 & T2 with pest control. [/box]
[box type=”shadow” ]Revachem supporting the campaign
Delighted with the campaign’s success, Jigar Shah, Director, Revachem said, “Cleanliness is one of the most important practice for a clean and healthy environment. The motto was to make everyone aware of the importance of personal and surrounding hygiene. This is essential to protect ourselves from diseases.
With special thanks to Navin Verma and Prateek Jain who led the entire campaign at T1 & T2 terminals, we are thankful to the team of GVK and CSIA, for letting us participate in such a grand campaign! We would like to be part of such campaigns in future too.” Abhishek Dhamija, GM-Marketing, Revachem who led the Revachem team in the campaign said, “We have participated and supported the event in four steps. We had an awareness session at T1, T2 , A-terminal for the employees and behind The Leela hotel area covering the taxi drivers. We also had a Tattoo program where small kids got tattooed based on cleanliness themes. It was a fun programme aimed to educate kids about the importance of cleaning.”
[box type=”shadow” ]“We as the business partner of the campaign aimed to teach the technical aspects of cleaning such as chemicals applicability, correct dosage, equipment usage etc. The training session involved not only class four employees but also the executive staff.”
– Kaushik Bhattacharya, Regional Manager-Western Region, Diversey Care, Sealed Air[/box]
Talking about the employees’ response towards the entire campaign, Navin Verma, AGM-Facilities at T1 terminal, CSIA, said, “their approach was quite exciting. A lot of passengers – both domestic and international too have shown interest towards the campaign. It was a moral boosting for all us.”
Prateek: “I am quite excited to be a part of the entire campaign. We have got one of the best airport infrastructure in the world. We just need to keep it sparkling. This can’t be done until the people on the ground do it from their heart. I am also quite impressed with idea to attribute 100hrs a year to cleanliness. PM initiating the campaign with a broom has boosted the moral of janitors and waste collectors all over the country. For them, it’s no more a task despisedby all but a task that connects them with their land/country.
“We have also come up with on the spot-reward facility. If any passenger admires someone’s work, we reward the person on the spot without waiting for any monthly or annual ceremonies. Every month we have R&R – Reward and Recognition program. Under this, we recognise the Janitor’s work in terms of attendance, work quality and behaviour and reward them.”
“Diversey has made some pictographs for us; this will be put on display everywhere. The pictures show the right way of putting waste into bins. For egone pictograph shows the need to wipe the seat before leaving. Not only inside the aircraft, wherever one sits it is good to leave that area as it was before.”
On October 27, the entire CSIA team under V.P. Singh, Head-Facility, CSIA finished the last activity of Cleanliness week celebrated in CSIA. Shanti Nagar area (SLUM) next to ORAT office was taken as cleaning project with the help of BMC – Chaka chak Mumbai. The area residents were very cooperative & helped make the project successful.
“I would like to thanks all the participants from all the HK vendors & our supporters – Kimberley Clark International, Revachem Industries, World Vision, and Diversey India & BMC for this initiative,” said VP Singh in the closing speech.