The central government has provisioned Rs2200 crore for National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) along with an outlay for Rs1500 crore for National River Conservation Plan (NRCP). According to Minister of State for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Santosh Kumar Gangwar has stated that the key activities through the scheme include laying of sewerage system, sewage treatment plants, solid waste management, and common effluent treatment plant for controlling industrial pollution, river front management and crematoria.
About 67 schemes in 48 towns in five Ganga States and six institutional development projects including Automatic Water Quality Monitoring and Ganga Knowledge Centre have been sanctioned at a total cost of Rs4683.61 crore under the programme. Till date, Rs1229.87 crore has been released from centre and states, of which Central Government’s share is Rs912.52 crore and State Governments’ share is Rs317.35 crore. An expenditure of Rs838.76 crore has been reported till March 2014 for implementation of the project.