S Prabakaran, a young innovator from the small town of Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu has come up with a unique product — an herbal, mosquito repellent. The product sold under the brand name ‘Hermo’ is non-toxic, non-allergic and completely safe to use. A water-based natural formulation consisting of extracts of herbs like lemon grass, Indian geranium or rosha grass, neem and tulasi is used for this mosquito repellent body spray. Introduced in the market in January, it is sold for र 70 per 100 ml bottle. As of now it is available only in six districts in Tamil Nadu. There is interest towards this product, as it is an alternative to the chemical based creams, liquid vaporizers, and coils in the market. Plans are on to increase to workforce from its present four to 50,000 and expand the business to at least 4 countries by 2020.
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